The Representation of the Loss of Faith in Matthew Arnold's Dover Beach
Author Harem Kareem Mahmood
ISSN2518-6566 (Online)
ISSN2518-6558 (Print)
Published Winter 2022

The nineteenth century is largely recognized for the
controversial disagreements between the newly scientific
discoveries and religious theories. Thus, this paper presents
data on the Victorian period and more specifically the poem
Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold. Meantime, it highlights the
loss of faith in the Victorian society of England through the
lens of New Criticism and New Historicism theories. The
research aimed at illustrating the loss of religion and the
melancholic tone evoked by Matthew Arnold in his Well
known poem Dover Beach. At the beginning, it provides a
critical insight on the principles and the histories of these two
theories. Additionally, in the introduction, the paper contains
significant information on the message of Dover Beach and its
linkage to the theories. Equally important, follows it the
discussion and analysis section, which is probably the
fundamental part of the research. Finally, a brief conclusion
is provided at the end.

Phenolic compound and fatty acid properties of some microalgae species isolated from Erbil City
AuthorsS. S. Anwer , K. H. Sdiq , K. R. Muhammad , L. M. Aladdin
JournalBrazilian Journal of Biology
ISSN 1678-4375 (Online)
ISSN 1519-6984 (Print)
VOL 82
ReceivedOctober 03, 2021
AcceptedDecember 06, 2021

The total phenolic compound and fatty acid profiles of lipids from microalgae are unique. The present study was
designed to investigate aqueous, ethanolic and acetone extracts of several algae (
Spirogyra sp., Spirulina sp.,Chlorella
sp and
Chara sp.) for their antioxidant capacities of the crude extracts and fractions by radical scavenging activity
against the stable radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl DPPH as well; total phenolic content. The results showed

Spirulina sp. indicated significantly higher total phenolic compound and antioxidant activities compared to the
other species (P < 0.05) and acetone extracts showed higher quantity among three extracts. The fatty acids analysis

using High performance liquid chromatography –HPLC showed the presence of palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid,

and linoleic acid, palmitic acid showed high quantity than other fatty acid classes in all studied algae. This study

concluded that high antioxidant capacity of microalgae could be inspected for different industrial applications.

antioxidant, total phenol, fatty acid, algae, DPPH.